Monday, May 4, 2009

Extreme Nursery Makeover (and week 38)

Tanya and Ann kindly came over on Sunday to help put the finishing touches on the Bean's room. It looks great and we know he/she will be very comfortable in there! If you need your home organized this dynamic duo will get your s*&t in order lickety split. Ty and the Extreme Makeover crew have nothing on these guys...

This is the week 38 picture! The heartbeat was 135 and the belly measurement was 38cm, right on target. There was no mention of the head size being larger than average. For those who predicted a week 38 birth, you've been voted off the island...


  1. You look AWESEOME!!!! I have been thinking about you! Feel like it's going to be this week!!! Keep me posted! I love the picture of you with you siblings! Very nice. Love you! Jen

  2. Tammy you look great and are going to go any minute now. Enjoy your sleep while it lasts and it's such a joy to have a new bundle in your arms. You'll be great parents. Best of luck
    Elaine (K) Dublin
